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Call for Section Assembly Meeting Registration Waiver Applications

The SLA is calling for applications for registration waivers for participants in next year’s Annual Meetings in Montreal. The SLA will have one waiver to allocate and can compete for additional waivers if they become available.

The AAA’s registration waiver program provides registration and membership fee waivers for qualified scholars.  Qualifying scholars are: 1) individuals, regardless of academic degree, who bring a perspective to Meetings valued by the nominating Section; and 2) individuals asked to participate in a proposed event or Invited Session sponsored by your Section.  Qualifying scholars may be employed outside the United States or Canada as practicing or university-based anthropologists in any of the discipline’s four main subfields (archaeology, sociocultural, biological, linguistic) but they cannot be employed as practicing or university-based anthropologists in the United States or Canada. Qualifying scholars need not be current AAA members.

To apply, please send the following information to Jocelyn Ahlers, SLA Program Committee Chair (, no later than March 21, 2011.
1) a description of the proposed Section-sponsored or Section-invited session;
2) the name, affiliation, phone number, work address, and email contact information for the qualifying scholar(s) nominated to receive the Section’s waiver;
3) a short description of the scholar’s proposed role in the Section Invited Session or Section-sponsored event;
4) and her or his credentials and qualifications (i.e., non-anthropologist, community-based scholar, international scholar, etc).