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SLA Nominations Committee

The Executive Board of the Society for Linguistic Anthropology is seeking someone who will serve as a member of the Nominations Committee of the SLA. The position is an appointed one, and the member of the Nominations Committee will work with the other members to advertise open American Anthropological Association positions that are designated for linguistic anthropology as well as open positions within the SLA. The Nominations Committee is responsible for proposing slates of candidates for the two kinds of elections. Members collect materials from potential candidates. Once slates are created, the members of the Nominations Committee submit candidates’ materials to the AAA.

The term of office is one year, often extended to two. The term begins at the conclusion of the meeting of the AAA in 2011 and extends to the conclusion of the 2012 meeting.

There is a preference for a senior member of the SLA to join the Nominations Committee, but other members will be considered.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Nominations Committee of the SLA, please contact Chaise LaDousa. He will forward your name to the SLA Executive Board for consideration.