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DIY table: New books at SLA business meeting

To those SLA members who have a new book they’d like to let membership know about: The SLA Board is happy to announce the following opportunity for members with recently published books that they would like to display to the membership at large.  At the cash bar following our business meeting at the 2016 AAAs on Saturday night (11/19), a table will be available for members to display new books and share information about them with their colleagues.  Due to limited space, we’d like to limit this to books published since the 2015 AAA. This is strictly a DIY arrangement: we provide the space and you provide your own books and other publicity material and someone to mind them.  If you’re interested, please let SLA president Bonnie Urciuoli ( know so we can make sure we have enough table space.

1 thought on “DIY table: New books at SLA business meeting”

  1. Thanks again for this opportunity, Bonnie. Just reconfirming that I’ll bring a copy of Raciolinguistics: How Language Shapes Our Ideas about Race!

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