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Recommended Readings Methods for Online Research in Linguistic Anthropology

Compiled by Lynnette Arnold from recommendations on LingAnth listserv Oct 2021

-Ethnography and Virtual Worlds: A Handbook of Method. Tom Boellstorff, Bonnie Nardi, Celia Pearce, T. L. Taylor

-Gabriella Modan’s “Writing the Relationship: Ethnographer‐Informant Interactions in the New Media Era”.

-Roth-Gordon, Jennifer, Jessica Harris, and Stephanie Zamora 2020. Producing White Comfort through “Corporate Cool”: Linguistic Appropriation, Social Media, and @BrandsSayingBae. International Journal for the Sociology of Language 265: 419–440.  

-Nell Haynes’s ethnography Social Media in Northern Chile: Posting the Extraordinarily Ordinary.

-Scott Ross. 2019. Being Real on Fake Instagram: Likes, Images, and Media Ideologies of Value. Linguistic Anthropology 29(3):359-374.

-Kosse, Maureen. 2021. Pull a [proper noun]. Colorado Research in Linguistics.

-Delfino, Jennifer B. 2021. “White Allies and the Semiotics of Wokeness: Raciolinguistic Chronotopes of White Virtue on Facebook.” Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 31 (2): 238–57.

– Black, Steven P. 2021. “Portable Values, Inequities, and Techno-Optimism in Global Health Storytelling.” Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 31 (1): 25–42.

Dovchin, Sender, Alastair Pennycook, and Shaila Sultana. 2017. Popular Culture, Voice and Linguistic Diversity: Young Adults On- and Offline.

Rayoung Song. 2020. ‘invisible and ubiquitous: Translinguistic practices in metapragmatic discussions in an online English learning community. In Translinguistics: Negotiating Innovation and Ordinariness, eds. Jerry Won Lee and Sender Dovchin.

Tebaldi, Catherine. 2020. ‘Bad hombres’, ‘aloha snackbar’, and ‘le cuck’: Mock translanguaging and the production of whiteness. In Translinguistics: Negotiating Innovation and Ordinariness, eds. Jerry Won Lee and Sender Dovchin.

– Haynes, Nell. Extreme Speech| Writing on the Walls: Discourses on Bolivian Immigrants in Chilean Meme Humor. International Journal of Communication, [S.l.], v. 13, p. 21, jul. 2019. ISSN 1932-8036. Available at: <>.

-“Pinning Down Enregisterment: Using Pinterest to Teach Students about Dialect Awareness.”

Nell Haynes shared the following list of readings from her Anthropology of Social Media course

Framing Digital Anthropology

Anna Cristina Pertierra. 2018. in Media Anthropology for the Digital Age. London: Polity Press. Introduction.

Daniel Miller. 2018. Digital Anthropology. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Guy Debord. 1967. The Commodity as Spectacle. from The Society of the Spectacle. Detroit: Black& Red Books.*

Social Media Ethnography

Juliano Spyer. 2017. Social Media in Emergent Brazil. Chapters 1&2. London: UCL Press.

Ashlee Humphreys. 2016. Digital Inequality, Age, and Social Class. Social Media: Enduring Principles. New York: Oxford University Press.

Pierre Bourdieu. 1984. Distinction: A social critique of the judgement of taste. Translated by Richard Nice. New York: Routledge.* (pay most attention starting at bottom of p 411)

Constructing the Self

         Juliano Spyer. 2017. Social Media in Emergent Brazil. Chapter 3. London: UCL Press.

Erving Goffman. 1956. Self Presentation. from The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. New York: Doubleday.*

Scott Ross. 2019. Being Real on Fake Instagram: Likes, Images, and Media Ideologies of Value. Linguistic Anthropology 29(3):359-374.

Niels Van Doorn. 2010. The ties that bind: the networked performance of gender, sexuality and friendship on MySpace. New Media and Society 12(4): 583–602.


Juliano Spyer. 2017. Social Media in Emergent Brazil. Chapters 5 & 6. London: UCL Press.

Fan Yang. 2014. Rethinking China’s Internet censorship: The practice of recoding and the politics of visibility. New Media and Society 18(7): 1364 –1381.

Louis Althusser. 1971. Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses. from Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays. New York: Monthly Review Press.*

Social Media is a conservative place

Rob Stones. 2015. Structure and Agency. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. New York: Wiley.*

Nell Haynes. 2019. Writing on the Walls: Discourses on Bolivian Immigrants in Chilean Meme Humor. International Journal of Communication 13: 3122–3142.

Theresa Senft and Safiya Umoja Noble. 2013. Race and Social Media. The Routledge Handbook of Social Media. New York: Routledge.

Chauncey DeVega. 2018. How Algorithms Reproduce Social and Racial Inequality. Salon (September 15)

Naomi Day. 2020. Reaction GIFs of Black People Are More Problematic Than You Think. One Zero.

Social media is a revolutionary place

Paulo Gerbaudo. 2012. Tweets and Streets: Social Media and Contemporary Activism, Chapter 2. New York: Pluto Press.

Yarimar Bonilla and Jonathan Rosa. 2015. #Ferguson: Digital protest, hashtag ethnography, and the racial politics of social media in the United States American Ethnologist 42(1):4-17.

Mariam Durrani. 2018. #MeToo, Believing Survivors, and Cooperative Digital  Communication. Anthropology News.

Donna Davis and Tom Boellstorff. 2016. Compulsive Creativity: Virtual Worlds, Disability, and Digital Capital. International Journal of Communication 10: 2096–2118.

Ethics, Ethnography

Sarah J. Tracy. 2013. Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact. New York: Blackwell.

D. Soyini Madison. 2012. Critical Ethnography: Methods, Ethics and PerformanceThousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Daniel Miller et al. 2016. How the World Changed Social Media Chapters 3 & 4. London: UCL Press.

Text Analysis

Ruth Page, et al. 2014. Analysing Discourse: Qualitative Approaches from Researching Language and Social Media: A Student Guide. pp 80-103. New York: Routledge.

Innocent Chiluwa. 2012. Social media networks and the discourse of resistance: A sociolinguistic CDA of Biafra online discourses. Discourse & Society 23(3): 217-244.

Image Analysis

Jon M. Wargo. 2017. “Every selfie tells a story …”: LGBTQ youth lifestreams and new media narratives as connective identity texts. New Media & Society 19(4): 560-578.

Nell Haynes. 2019. Analyzing the Unassuming Aesthetic: Critical Visual Analysis of Social (Media) Norms. American Anthropological Association conference.

Aslaug Veum and Linda Victoria Moland Undrum. 2018. The Selfie as Global Discourse. Discourse & Society 29(1): 86-103.

Kate Miltner. 2018. Internet Memes. The Sage Handbook of Social Media. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Audience Analysis

Stuart Hall. 1993. Encoding, Decoding from The Cultural Studies Reader. Simon During, ed. pp 90-103. New York: Routledge.

David Mathieu. 2015. The Continued Relevance of Reception Analysis in the Age of

Social Media. Trípodos no. 36:13-34.