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Grad student SLA representative to AAA Student Rep Caucus [Update: Found]

[Update: a student representative has been found]

The AAA is creating a Student Representative Caucus and wishes to include representatives from the various sections. Although SLA does not have a student representative on it board, we’ve been invited to appoint a student to the caucus who is interested in representing our wing and communicating to other SLA students about the caucus’s and AAA’s activities.

Please see the description below of the caucus’ makeup and activities, from its chair, Jason Miller.

We have been given a very narrow window in which to nominate such a representative for this year. If you would be like to be considered for this, please send a brief statement of your interest and your c.v. to no later than 5 pm EST on Monday, January 25.

Addendum:  Please include names of 3 references and ask your faculty advisor/supervisor to email a reference for you.