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SLA Position opening: Digital Content Editor

The SLA seeks an SLA member to succeed Leila Monaghan as Digital Content Editor of the SLA website when she steps down by the end of 2011. We welcome volunteers who wish to bring new ideas for the website to complement the successful work of the outgoing DCE and continuing Webmaster, Alex Enkerli.

Interested volunteers should please send a c.v. and a short statement of interest in and relevant experience for the position to the chair of the Nominations Committee, Chaise LaDousa  by September 1, 2011. A description of the DCE position is given below.  Questions about it can be addressed to Chaise, to Leila, or to SLA President Kit Woolard.

Description of the Position

The Digital Content Editor (DCE) of the Society of Linguistic Anthropology is responsible for developing and overseeing the content of the SLA’s website.  S/he coordinates closely with the SLA Executive Board and President as well as with the SLA Webmaster, who is responsible for the structure and maintenance of the website.  The DCE is a volunteer position, while the Webmaster receives a modest honorarium each year for his/her work on the website. As content and structure are closely linked, the relationship between the DCE and the Webmaster is collaborative.

The SLA website currently has two distinct forms for content:

  1. standing pages of information about the SLA and resources it provides, which are updated periodically, and
  2. a running Blog, which includes both official SLA announcements and non-official opinion and information of interest to SLA members.

Within the consultative frame outlined above, the DCE is responsible for developing, supervising, and approving content on the standing pages and in non-official posts on the blog. (SLA officers may post official announcements directly to the site or through the Webmaster without the need to consult the DCE.) The DCE is also responsible for promoting the website in various venues (such as Twitter, Facebook, etc.)  to enhance its utility to members and the visibility of the SLA generally.

Specific continuing tasks that the incoming DCE will address include:

  1. working with the Webmaster to redesign the website to distinguish official and non-official blog posts (currently underway, completion targeted by November 2011);
  2. development and oversight of new resource pages, including a collection of syllabi and other teaching resources currently under construction;
  3. recruiting and supervising contributors for the Blog and other resources; and
  4. developing the visual aspect of the website.

Proposals for additional new projects will be very welcome.