It’s that time again: American Anthropological Association elections. Voting is open until 31 May at 5:00 pm Eastern time.
American Anthropological Association members (which includes SLA members) can access the ballot by logging on to AAA’s AnthroGateway web site with your member profile login. Once logged in, click “My Information” on the left hand side of the screen. From there, you will see a “√ote now” icon on the right hand side of the screen. Click the icon to open the eBallot.
The ballot includes pages for American Anthropological Association Election 2014, Society for Linguistic Anthropology Election 2014, and any other sections you belong to that are holding elections this year.
The SLA ballot includes elections for Member-at-Large and Secretary-Treasurer. The AAA ballot includes a variety of positions. Instructions and candidate statements are included in the ballots.