The Making of the AAA Meetings
This year’s AAA meetings have the highest number of registrants on record. As one of the student assistants on the Executive Program Committee, the level… Read More »The Making of the AAA Meetings
This year’s AAA meetings have the highest number of registrants on record. As one of the student assistants on the Executive Program Committee, the level… Read More »The Making of the AAA Meetings
On May 27, AAA President Virginia Dominguez sent a letter to the Census Bureau regarding its language questions and classifications, which you can find through… Read More »Letter to the Census Bureau
All Society for Linguistic Anthropology members and anyone interested in language and culture issues is invited to join the Linganth E-mail list. The Linganth List… Read More »Join the Linganth List!
CFP Volunteer Session AAA 2010: How We Formulate “Circulate-able” Selves: Introductions as a Social and Political Discourse Genre. Send to Nathaniel Dumas by March 15th, 2010.
History traditionally was part of linguistic anthropology but in more recent years much of the focus of the field has been on close analysis of… Read More »CFP AAA: Circulating Discourses of Past and Present: Linguistic Anthropology and History
AAA 2010: SLA Call for Invited Sessions
[Update: a student representative has been found] The AAA is creating a Student Representative Caucus and wishes to include representatives from the various sections. Although… Read More »Grad student SLA representative to AAA Student Rep Caucus [Update: Found]
I was particularly moved by a memorial at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association for Dell Hymes. Hymes founded the ethnography of speaking, developed the concept of communicative competence, and pioneered the study of ethnopoetics.
Welcome back home! The Philadelphia meetings were a great success and it was wonderful to see so many old friends and colleagues. The Society for… Read More »The AAA Meetings were a great success
Panels and meetings of interest to linguistic anthropologists at the 2009 meeting of the American Anthropological Association.
Dear Linguistic Anthropologists, The Society of Linguistic Anthropology (SLA) has postponed the deadline for invited sessions from Monday, March 3, to Friday, March 7th. We… Read More »Invited session deadline postponed
Dear Linguistic Anthropologists,
It’s that time of year again: The Society of Linguistic Anthropology (SLA) invites your submissions for the American Anthropological Association’s 107th Annual Meeting, to be held in San Francisco, CA, on November
List of linguistic anthropology sessions at the 2007 AAA.