Attack against Romney for speaking French
Here is an attack ad against Romney linking his ability to speak French to all kinds of negative character traits. Pair this with the Huntsman ad… Read More »Attack against Romney for speaking French
Here is an attack ad against Romney linking his ability to speak French to all kinds of negative character traits. Pair this with the Huntsman ad… Read More »Attack against Romney for speaking French
This political ad features an imagined lecture, in Beijing in 2030 in Mandarin (e.g. after the Chinese have trounced the US) complete with evil ha… Read More »Yellow Peril Political Ads: China as a threat to the US
This is an ad from New Hampshire which features shots of Jon Huntsman speaking Mandarin and asking questions like “the Manchurian candidate. What’s he hiding?” “American… Read More »Yellow Peril Political Ads: Jon Hunstman