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The Journal of Linguistic Anthropology is a publication of the Society for Linguistic Anthropology, a section of the American Anthropological Association. The journal is published three times annually, in May, August, and December.

Submissions to the journal should be based on original research and should engage substantively with contemporary issues (theoretical, analytical, methodological, etc.) in linguistic anthropology and allied fields of study. Submissions should not exceed 9,000–10,000 words (inclusive of notes but not bibliography). Other kinds of submissions, such as critical essays, interviews, and commentaries, may also be considered for publication.

All issues of the Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, from 1991 to the present, are available through AnthroSource and the Wiley Online Library.

Elsewhere in this site, you can find multimedia content associated with web-enhanced articles that have been published in the journal.

The journal is managed through an online submission and editorial system, ScholarOne. Authors who wish to submit manuscripts should use this system. Any pre-submission queries should be sent to the editors. Post-submission queries can be sent to the same address or through ScholarOne.


Associate Editors

Book Review Editor

Advisory Board

Editorial Board

Social Media Manager