mapapa (Is)
Two fists with thumbs extended move alternately backwards and forwards to the mouth. |

Fancy hairstyle
Mashwengshwang (Is)
Hand with fingers extended, makes two curves upwards from the forehead. |

father [male elder]/boyfriend
i-taima (Is)
Side of knuckle of forefinger, with thumb under chin, strokes chin downwards once or twice. |

Sedudla (S)
Curved arms held out to the sides. |
lwa (Z) lwana (S)
Two fists move back and forth as if fighting. |
finished (It’s finished/over [the event])
Ho fedile (S)
Hands held out with palms down moved inwards over one another and back out again. |
finished (It’s all finished)
E fedile (S)
Forefinger or fingertips of one hand drawn quickly across mouth. Gesturer blows producing a sound as the finger(s) block the stream of air. |
forehead (Big forehead)
Sphongo (S)
Hand curved traces curve downwards over forehead. |

bobra (Is)
Sides of first fingers of each hand are tapped together several times. |
fuck [old gesture]
nkawuza (Is)
Back of hand hits palm of other hand several times. |
fuck [new gesture]
kama (Is)
Elbow bent with forearm held up. Hand at about shoulder level. Fingers and thumb are loosely splayed. Hand makes slight twisting movement from the wrist. |
hlatha/m’davazo (Is)
Fist with thumb tip between knuckles of first and second fingers. |
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