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Submission Instructions

To submit a blog post, contact Cat Tebaldi, Digital Media Co-Director via, with a topic proposal, 3-4 sentences long.

Submission Guidelines

In 2018 the Society for Linguistic Anthropology’s Board decided to open a space on SLA’s website to begin a blog project that could showcase pieces written by SLA members at any stage in their career. We intend this to become a space to encourage and facilitate dialogue amongst our members while bringing greater visibility to key issues in the field to a wider audience.

If you are interesting in submitting a post keep in mind the following guidelines:

  1. Blog posts shall be relatively brief—somewhere around 4-7 paragraphs.
  2. Entry topics have been organized into four categories, without barring any topics related to issues important to SLA that members might want to write about. The list below is by no means exhaustive, and meant only to provide a sketch of what might be featured.
    1. Methods and research (relationships with interlocutors, organization techniques and strategies, ethnographic methods, use of software for transcription/organization)
    2. Academic life (issues in teaching, challenges for writing, labor in tenure-track, adjunct, or grad student positions)
    3. Topics in the discipline (language ideologies, language revitalization, sign-interpretant relationships, sociophonetics, etc.)*
    4. Linguistic anthropology in practice (on work in the discipline that happens outside of academic institutions, beyond the classroom)

*Please note that beginning in 2022-2032 UNESCO will commence the Decade of Indigenous Languages ( Blog posts pertaining to indigenous language varieties are welcome.