Linguistic Anthropology Roundup #12
Many things happening with SLA members…
Many things happening with SLA members…
Short bio for Lindsay Bell, the SLA’s graduate student representative
Dear SLA Colleagues, I’m posting this message on behalf of my fellow SLA Executive Committee Member at Large, Jillian Cavanaugh, who is organizing this year’s… Read More »Deadline extended for SLA Annual Student Paper Prizes
On May 27, AAA President Virginia Dominguez sent a letter to the Census Bureau regarding its language questions and classifications, which you can find through… Read More »Letter to the Census Bureau
All Society for Linguistic Anthropology members and anyone interested in language and culture issues is invited to join the Linganth E-mail list. The Linganth List… Read More »Join the Linganth List!
Fourth linguistic anthropology roundup, written by Alex Enkerli
Oxford and Elsevier offer discounts to SLA members.
In order to form a more perfect Society for Linguistic Anthropology and provide the SLA with a recognizable visual identity, we would like to have a logo that we can use as an avatar in diverse social media contexts (Twitter and Facebook, especially). To that end we are having a logo design competition, open to anyone involved directly or indirectly with the SLA.
The deadline for this contest is May 1, 2010, and we will award a prize of $100 for the winning design.
AAA 2010: SLA Call for Invited Sessions
Now that we’re getting deeper into 2010 and some dust has settled, it might be a good opportunity for me to introduce myself to you.
My name is Alex Enkerli and I define myself as an “informal ethnographer.” My background is indeed in linguistic anthropology, at least in part, but I’ve been involved in a variety of other ethnographic fields including ethnomusicology and folkloristics.
We are now seeking nominations and applications for a new editor (or editorial team) for JLA.
The Edward Sapir Book Prize was established in 2001 and is awarded in alternate years to a book that makes the most significant contribution to… Read More »Call for submissions for the Sapir Prize (2010)
Call for submissions for the Sapir Prize
Conference Announcement, Conference Registration Now Open 15th ANNUAL CONFERENCE on Language, Interaction, and Social Organization University of California, Santa Barbara May 14-16, 2009* The annual… Read More »15th ANNUAL CONFERENCE on Language, Interaction, and Social Organization University of California, Santa Barbara May 14-16, 2009*
The Society for Linguistic Anthropology announces a competition for Outstanding Paper by a Student, one each at both undergraduate and graduate levels. To be eligible… Read More »Student Paper Prizes in Linguistic Anthropology Competitions for both Graduate and Undergraduate Students
Dear Linguistic Anthropologists, It’s that time of year again: The Society of Linguistic Anthropology (SLA) invites your submissions for the American Anthropological Association’s 108th Annual… Read More »AAA 2009: SLA Call for Invited Sessions
The Edward Sapir Book Prize was established in 2001 and is awarded in alternate years to a book that makes the most significant contribution to… Read More »Call for submissions for the Sapir Prize
Dear Linguistic Anthropologists, The Society of Linguistic Anthropology (SLA) has postponed the deadline for invited sessions from Monday, March 3, to Friday, March 7th. We… Read More »Invited session deadline postponed
Dear Linguistic Anthropologists,
It’s that time of year again: The Society of Linguistic Anthropology (SLA) invites your submissions for the American Anthropological Association’s 107th Annual Meeting, to be held in San Francisco, CA, on November
Proposed by CfHR Task Group on Language and Social Justice Laura R. Graham, Chair, Ana Celia Zentella, Bonnie Uricioli (With assistance from Terry Turner) Whereas:… Read More »Resolution on Language Questions in the US Census