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Ambiguity, jokes, and trick questions

“If you choose an answer at random, what is your probability of being correct?” The question is, I think, pragmatically ambiguous. It features neither lexical nor structural ambiguity, yet the joke hinges on understanding the question in more than one way.

Evolution and ‘lies to children’

Why am I uncomfortable with talk of evolution in the news? Maybe I’m hearing echoes of Herbert Spencer. A brief exploration of Terry Gross and Daniel Lieberman’s discussion of The Story of the Human Body, and my own discomfort with the necessary simplification of complex ideas

Top 100 AAA Journal Articles ungated for summer

From the American Anthropological Association blog we learn that the 100 articles most downloaded from Anthrosource during 2012 will be ungated for the summer. Anyone interested can read the articles on the Wiley Online Library during this period. The Top 100 list includes a number of terrific articles related to linguistic anthropology.

Shifting your deictic center

In this guest post Anna Marie Trester, Director of the MA in Language and Communication (MLC) at Georgetown University, explains how the linguistic theory of deictics can help job seekers think about themselves from potential employers’ points of view.

AAA Elections 2013

Elections for American Anthropological Association positions, including President-Elect, Executive Board members, and several committee positions, as well as elections for the Society for Linguistic Anthropology and other sections are open now until 31 May, 2013.

Calls for papers: AAA 2013 panels

Members of SLA and AAA are issuing calls for papers to join panels for the AAA annual meeting via linguistic anthropology email list LINGANTH. Links to recent calls are here.