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Summer Reading

Recommendations from the Media Team: Alim, H.S. (2023). Inventing “the White voice”: Racial capitalism, raciolinguistics & culturally sustaining pedagogies. Daedalus,152(3), 147–166. Arnold, L. (2024). National heroes… Read More »Summer Reading

Review Time

Ask an Editor July 30, 2018 Ilana Gershon, a contributing editor for the Society for Linguistic Anthropology, asked seven editors for their insights on questions that… Read More »Review Time

Top 100 AAA Journal Articles ungated for summer

From the American Anthropological Association blog we learn that the 100 articles most downloaded from Anthrosource during 2012 will be ungated for the summer. Anyone interested can read the articles on the Wiley Online Library during this period. The Top 100 list includes a number of terrific articles related to linguistic anthropology.